I've undertaken several service positions within both my home department and the broader philosophical profession. These roles reflect my belief that being a scholar involves more than just research; it also requires you to meaningfully contribute to your community by fostering spaces for collaborations, facilitating the profession, and, in general, enriching our collective experiences in academia.
I currently serve as a Council member on the Graduate Student Council (GSC) of The American Philosophical Association (APA) from July 2023 to June 2025. Within the GSC, our mission is to actively promote the interests of philosophy graduate students in diverse ways through the APA. In this capacity, I'm also the GSC liaison for the APA's Committee on Academic Career Opportunities and Placement, working to enhance academic career opportunities for philosophers, especially in the academic job market.
I am also involved in the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love (SPSL), where I have established a monthly seminar series, and I contribute to the North American Kant Society (NAKS) as its tech consultant.
In my home department, I was elected as the graduate representative (July 2022-June 2024). In this capacity, I serve as a liaison between students and faculty, advocating for the needs and concerns of fellow graduate students, and actively contributing to departmental decisions and initiatives.